Deep Learning vs. Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning


Greetings to all the learners, who are here to know what these terms mean. If you carry a misconception that these terms have the same meaning, then you are wrong! And, if you think that these are so very different from each other then, again, my reader, you are not right!

Emphatically, as the three most puffed and hyped technical terms of the decade - Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) have taken the technological world by storm! Let’s understand what do these terms mean in reality and how can we use them in our understanding of the scientific and technical web-oriented and the digitalized world!

Deep Learning vs. Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Are you not stupefied and amazed when your laptop or mobile phone reads your face and unlocks itself, or when it recognizes your speech while you surf the internet and ask it to perform the search for you, without typing? Also, when Siri and Alexa perform the asked functions for you and you sit at your comfort? When robots - the machines - laptops, PCs, Mobile phones, and other gadgets that take command from you, understand what you are saying at the touch of a button? What is all this?

This is nothing, but modern technology and science taking over the kingdom of man, an artificial move of the bots in contrast to the emotionality and natural feelings of man, who are ready to assist you because they are programmed and trained to do so. This is all artificial and not natural, hence Artificial; working through robotic language which is coded by human minds to robotic systems - an Intelligence! Hence, this is what we know as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI is a broader and more inclusive term than ML or Deep learning. It encompasses ML and Deep learning. AI is described as something when machines, bots, robots, and artificial gadgets mimic human cognition. They learn and act when coded and programmed. It is nothing more than a system of programmed commands of if-then-else statements!

Artificial Intelligence trains and tells the machine to behave in a way that can be appreciated by humans and in turn can help them build their mercantile empire. AI suits the consumerist culture of humanity, it’s as simple as this!

What is Machine Learning?

Coming to Machine Learning, we can say that it is the next big thing in the technological world. Although it is the subset of AI, still it is the most significant part of all. It is associated with the study of classical computer algorithms that are tested and maintained by the study of data that is available to them. This data is nothing, but the human environment itself. Humans and their many actions serve as the data to improve upon algorithms.

Through the help of algorithms - they perform various tasks of clustering, regression, or classification - the machines are trained in sensing, analyzing, and understanding what is happening in the human world. Emphatically, machines, do not know what is happening in the human world as they do not use the same language as humans do to communicate. Therefore, machines ‘learn’ through these algorithms that are their language!

What the Machine Learning models do, they try to reduce and lessen errors between their predictions - the data they get from the outside human world and the real and authentic ground truth values. These are called error functions - loss-function or objective function. To reduce the chances of errors in the way the model predicts, the parameters are set again and again and the algorithms are retyped and reprogrammed.

If you are planning to go for the Machine Learning certification or course next, understand that it is more complex and demands tough mathematical calculations and a lot of coding to get to the desired results!

What is Deep Learning?

Next, we talk about Deep Learning. This is another term that uses data to make decisions as Machine Learning (ML), but again, it comes with its motifs, objectives, and goals. Deep Learning comes with different capabilities. It employs a multi-layered structure of algorithms called the neural network. These artificial neural networks solve queries and help in predictions that Machine learning primitive algorithms fail to do.

Deep learning is new, the neural networks and Deep Learning are considered to be an engaging force behind the ranging industrial and digital revolution.

Artificial neural networks have individual potentialities that help Deep Learning models solve and resolve tasks that Machine Learning models could never do!

In the 21st century, all recent technological and scientific developments in intelligence are a result of Deep Learning. We have self-driving cars, personal assistants like Alexa and Siri, and chatbots. All of these are the outcomes of Deep learning models. Netflix, as we have it now for our entertainment would have no idea before about which movie or TV series we like or hate. But, deep learning has made this possible, today!

Which are the Common Applications of Deep Learning in Artificial Intelligence?

As Deep Learning is a term that is a part of Artificial Intelligence itself, it amplifies and commends the working of AI. They both have so much in common. The most common applications of Deep Learning in AI are - Speech Recognition, Facial Recognition, Virtual Assistants, Autonomous cars, Supercomputing, Fraud Detection, much more!

Frankly speaking, today we are laden with many super applications, which are deemed as major inventions, that AI has given us. The future is in the hands of AI and ML. If you are looking for an AI course or ML and Deep Learning certification that can add value to your CV and help boost your career, take up the best Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning courses with us at CAREERERA, today.

What is the Difference Between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

The difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning is very slight, but still extremely important to note and understand. If we explain it in a simple manner then, both the revolutionary technical terms  - Machine learning and Deep learning copy and replicate the way the human brain grasps, absorbs, and learns. The main distinction relies on the fact - the type of algorithms that are employed in each case. It is rather visualized that, Deep learning is extra close to human learning as it deals with neurons - a neural network that uses feature extraction and classification as its major tools. On the other hand, Machine learning traditionally employs decision trees. It also uses deep learning neural networks, which are, again to say more evolved, developed, and progressive.

Researchers say that by the end of 2025, 90% of the consumer engagement will be non-human. By non-human they mean, humans will be ruled by bots, all over, helping them in their daily tasks and perform various duties! Sounds bizarre? It isn’t, really, if we look at the speed with which we are moving towards a global transformation through digitalization, the estimated future is near!

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