Post Graduate Program in Full Stack Development

Know your way around the Post Graduate Program in Full Stack Development.

Course Description

Master the working with every technology needed at the different phases of software development like project management, Agile Scrum methodology, Design Thinking, front-end plus back-end technologies, database managing system, development of cloud, and quality declaration for delivering a completed product.
The PGP in Full Stack Software Development makes you proficient in skills to work with technologies. The professional is likely to work on the customers, server sides and know what is going on when emerging an application.

PGP in Full Stack Software Development is intended to create and develop all-round full-stack capabilities in applicants. This program will educate you on the motives why a successful full stack developer does more than write code.

Why Full Stack Developer

  • Full Stack Developer assists you to keep every part of the system running easily.
  • Provides help to all in the team and highly ease the time and technical charge of team interaction.
  • If an individual serves various roles, it saves your firm’s workforce, infrastructure, and operational charge.

Eligibility Standard

Careerera focuses on every individual in their program because the team believes in delivering education to all interested ones. Careerera welcome fresher as well as working professionals for the program with 50% cumulative marks in their respective fields.
But, the mentioned standards will be appreciated

  • A bachelor's degree with an average of 50% or higher marks
  • Basic programming knowledge
  • Having prior work experience is not a mandatory requirement

The ideal job profiles who will benefit from the program

  • Software Developers
  • IT Professionals
  • Engineers
  • Analysts

Why Careerera?

  • 125000+ Students
  • 4 Million Hours of Learning Delivered
  • Top 10 Ranked Programs
  • 500+ Industry Specialists
  • 25+ Global’s Best Full Stack Developer Faculty

What makes PGP in Full Stack Software Development program outstand?

The most comprehensive, 360 degrees, and industry-ready program in the market as it covers all the aspects including Front end, Back end, mobile application development, Cloud computing, DevOps, design thinking modules, and project management techniques.

1.Master the relevant expertise which prominent corporations are looking for like JavaScript, Java, and SQL.
2.The program follows an intensive format where you acquire full stack development from great faculty in the classroom as well as online and extends your knowledge by working on practical lab sessions.
3.You receive personal supervision in mentorship sessions through experts from the sphere to support you shape and plan your career.
4.Make your portfolio by creating applications through projects as part of the course. Know the features of project planning, sprints, teamwork, and collaboration by making an application.
5.Never miss a class as you may switch to another batch, based upon your availability to ensure consistent progress.

Scopes upon accomplishment of the program

  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Frontend Developer
  • UI Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • AWS Cloud Engineer
  • Cloud Devops Engineer
  • Cloud Developer

Admission Process

  • The selection process is based on the merit (% criteria) as well as on the working experience of applicants.
  • Candidates may apply online on the official website of the Careerera and accordingly, they receive a call for a personal interview which is conducted by the Careerera.
  • Depending on the marks obtained in the interview candidates get selected by the team.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Structure and implement HTML/CSS.
  2. Apply intermediate and advanced web development practices.
  3. Implement basic JavaScript.
  4. Create visualizations in accordance with UI/UX theories.
  5. Develop a fully functioning website and deploy on a web server.
  6. Find and use code packages based on their documentation to produce working results in a project.
  7. Create webpages that function using external data.
  8. Architect solutions to programming problems by combining visual components and classes.
  9. Develop JavaScript applications that transition between states.
  10. Identify mobile strategies and design for multiple operating systems.
  11. Distinguishing trends in multi-device implementation.
  12. Create visualizations in accordance with UI/UX theories.
  13. Derive information from data and implement data into applications.
  14. Authenticate, store, and structure user data.

Program Curriculum

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See which topics you will have to assimilate.

Course Overview
  • Overview
  • Minimum 12 Month Journey Mapping.
  • Program Structure & Basic Principles
  • Programming Constructs - Loops, Functions, Arrays, etc
  • An Introduction to Version Control, Git, Command-line Scripting
  • Basic HTML, CSS
  • HTML & CSS Interaction, CSS: Styling, Selectors, Box Model, Border, Margin, Padding, etc
  • Bootstrap 3
  • Advanced CSS and Bootstrap 4
  • Migrating to Bootstrap 5

  • JavaScript Fundamentals, Hoisting, Callbacks, Promises, Asynchronous JavaScript, DOM Manipulation, JSON, AJAX Calls, Communication with Server, Event Listeners, Local and Session Storage, etc.
  • Advanced JavaScript –ES6, Let & Const, Arrow Functions, Array Destructuring, Async/Await, Babel, Webpack, etc

  • Overview
  • Angular Services, Routing and Single Page Applications
  • Angular Forms, Angular and Reactive JavaScript
  • Client-Server Communication

  • React Introduction, React Router, Components and Single Page Applications
  • React Forms, Flow Architecture
  • Redux & Client-Server Communication, etc
  • Object-Oriented Paradigms of Java Programming (Classes, Objects, etc.)
  • Object-Oriented Design - Interfaces| Abstract Classes | polymorphism (Dynamic and Static)
  • Exception Handling, Collections, Concurrency, etc.

  • Linear Data Structures (Arrays, Strings, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, etc.)
  • Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees, Tree traversals

  • Basic Algorithms: Recursion, Searching and Sorting Algorithms, Greedy Algorithms
  • Advanced algorithms – Graphs, Dynamic Programming, Hashing Algorithms
  • Processing, Storing & Organizing Data: Data Models

  • Tables, Views, SQL Queries - Simple & Complex
  • Database Schemas, Normalization, Keys, Indexes
  • JDBC
  • Introduction to NoSQL databases
  • CGI vs Tomcat (Server)

Backened Prep Servlet
  • JSP & Servlets
  • Servlet Lifecycle
  • Request & Response - Execute Get post put delete on servlets , Servlet API , FORMS

  • Spring MVC Architecture
  • Backend Development Using Springboot Framework
  • ORM & Hibernate
  • Understanding Native Mobile Apps Development
  • Why to choose Native Mobile Apps Development
  • Ways to develop Native Mobile Apps
  • Future of Native Mobile Apps Development
  • Advantages of Native Mobile Apps

Android fundamentals
  • Activities
  • Views
  • Layouts
  • Resources
  • Manifest
  • Android Activity Life Cycle Events
  • Running, Deployment, Testing Deploying app to Emulator and Devices

iOS fundamentals
  • Storyboard
  • Segues
  • Views
  • View Controllers
  • Layouts
  • iOS Life Cycle
  • Running, Deployment, Testing Deploying app to Emulator and Devices

Setting Up Our Development Environment
  • Installing the React Native CLI
  • Installing IDE: VS Code
  • Platform Tools Installations
  • Setting Emulators and Simulator
  • Adding Mobile Platforms
  • Previewing on Emulator and Simulator
  • Previewing on Device
  • React Native CLI.
  • React Native Core Concepts View, Text, Text Input, Button, Switch, Image, Status Bar, List Views: Flat List, Section List etc

React Native Elements: React Native UI Toolkit
  • Conditional Styling
  • Inline styles
  • Using a stylesheet
  • Adding multiple styles
  • Inheritance
  • Installing React Native Elements
  • Using React Native Elements
  • Navigator and WebView

Native Modules and APIs
  • Linking Native API
  • Geolocation
  • Video Component
  • Modals
  • ActivityIndicator
  • Animations
  • Basics of Virtual Machines - Process Virtual Machines
  • System Virtual Machines –Emulation – Interpretation
  • Binary Translation - Taxonomy of Virtual Machines. Virtualization –Management Virtualization
  • Hardware Maximization – Architectures
  • Virtualization Management – Storage Virtualization – Network Virtualization.

  • Comprehensive Analysis Resource Pool – Testing Environment
  • Server Virtualization – Virtual Workloads – Provision Virtual Machines
  • Desktop Virtualization – Application Virtualization
  • Implementation levels of virtualization – virtualization structure
  • virtualization of CPU, Memory and I/O devices
  • Virtual clusters and Resource Management – Virtualization for data centre automation.

  • Cloud deployment models: public, private, hybrid, community
  • Categories of cloud computing: Everything as a service: Infrastructure, platform, software
  • A Generic Cloud Architecture Design
  • Layered cloud Architectural Development
  • Virtualization Support and Disaster Recovery
  • Architectural Design Challenges - Public Cloud Platforms: GAE, AWS
  • Inter-cloud Resource Management Tentative

  • Introduction to Hadoop Framework - MapReduce, Input splitting, map and reduce functions, specifying input and output parameters, configuring and running a job
  • Developing Map Reduce Applications –
  • Design of Hadoop file system –Setting up Hadoop Cluster
  • Cloud Software Environments -Eucalyptus, Open Nebula, Open Stack, Nimbus

  • Cloud Infrastructure security: network, host, and application-level
  • aspects of data security, provider data and its security,
  • Identity and access management architecture,
  • IAM practices in the cloud, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS availability in the cloud
  • Key privacy issues in the cloud
  • Cloud Security and Trust Management

  • DevOps: Motivation-Cloud as a platform-Operations-
  • Deployment Pipeline: Overall Architecture Building and Testing-Deployment- Case study: Migrating to Microservices
  • Origin of DevOps - The developers versus operations dilemma
  • Key characteristics of a DevOps culture – Deploying a Web Application - Creating and configuring an account
  • Creating a web server - Managing infrastructure with Cloud Formation
  • Adding a configuration management system
  • Why Design? - Four Questions, Ten Tools
  • Principles of Design Thinking
  • The process of Design Thinking
  • How to plan a Design Thinking project.

  • Search field determination
  • Problem clarification
  • Understanding of the problem
  • Problem analysis
  • Reformulation of the problem
  • Observation Phase
  • Empathetic design
  • Tips for observing
  • Methods for Empathetic Design
  • Point-of-View Phase
  • Characterization of the target group
  • Description of customer needs.

  • Ideate Phase
  • The creative process and creative principles
  • Creativity techniques
  • Evaluation of ideas
  • Prototype Phase
  • Lean Startup Method for Prototype Development
  • Visualization and presentation techniques.

  • Test Phase
  • Tips for interviews
  • Tips for surveys
  • Kano Model
  • Desirability Testing - How to conduct workshops
  • Requirements for the space
  • Material requirements
  • Agility for Design Thinking.

  • Design Thinking meets the corporation
  • The New Social Contract
  • Design Activism
  • Designing Tomorrow.
Creating A High Performing Team
  • Build A Team
  • Define Team Ground Rules
  • Negotiate Project Agreements
  • Empower Team Members And Stakeholders
  • Train Team Members And Stakeholders
  • Engage And Support Virtual Teams
  • Build Shared Understanding About A Project

Starting The Project
  • Determine Appropriate Project Methodology/Methods And Practices
  • Plan And Manage Scope
  • Plan And Manage Budget And Resources
  • Plan And Manage Schedule
  • Plan And Manage Quality Of Products And Deliverables
  • Integrate Project Planning Activities
  • Plan And Manage Procurement
  • Establish Project Governance Structure
  • Plan And Manage Project/Phase Closure

Doing The Work
  • Assess And Manage Risks
  • Execute Project To Deliver Business Value
  • Manage Communications
  • Engage Stakeholders
  • Create Project Artifacts
  • Manage Project Changes
  • Manage Project Issues
  • Ensure Knowledge Transfer For Project Continuity

Keeping The Team On Track
  • Lead A Team
  • Support Team Performance
  • Address And Remove Impediments, Obstacles, And Blockers
  • Manage Conflict
  • Collaborate With Stakeholders
  • Mentor Relevant Stakeholders
  • Apply Emotional Intelligence To Promote Team Performance

Keeping The Business In Mind
  • Manage Compliance Requirements
  • Evaluate And Deliver Project Benefits And Value
  • Evaluate And Address Internal And External
  • Business Environment Changes
  • Support Organizational Change
  • Employ Continuous Process Improvement
  • Introduction to PRINCE2® and Project Management
  • The 7 Principles of PRINCE2®
  • The 7 Themes of PRINCE2®
  • The 7 Processes of PRINCE2®
  • The Tailoring of PRINCE2®

  • Starting Up a Project (SU)and it products
  • Initiating a Project(IP) and its products
  • Managing Stage Boundaries(SB) and its products
  • Closing a Project(CP)and its products
  • The Tailoring of PRINCE2®
Practice Projects Phase
  • Week 1- Project 1
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 2- Project 2
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 3- Project 3
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 4- Project 4
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 5- Project 5
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 6- Project 6
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing

Evaluation Projects Phase
  • Week 1- Project 1
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 2- Project 2
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 3- Project 3
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 4- Project 4
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 5- Project 5
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing
  • Week 6- Project 6
  • Discussion/ Doubt Clearing

Emplybility Enhancment Program
  • Training Need Analysis
  • Communication Skills
  • Placement Skills
  • Behavioral Science
  • Resume Building
  • Corporate Etiquette
  • Life skills
  • Personality Enhancement

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Get the answers to your questions here.

Q1 : What is the Full Stack Development program?

Full Stack Development Program makes you adept in capabilities to work with web technologies. It involves exercising on Web Development, jQuery, Angular, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and MongoDB.

Q2 : What is the course structure for the program?

The program is designed with practical and lab assignments emphasizing learning to attain knowledge and expertise in full-stack development to rule the field.

Q3 : Will there be placements after the course?

We do not guarantee placements upon the accomplishment of the program.

Q4 : What skill sets can I expect to have after this program?

By the conclusion of this program, you will be able to:

  • Create approachable web pages for recent browsers using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Build a highly interactive, front-end single-page app using React JS a modern structure.
  • Write protected full-stack applications and use them to cloud-based services like Heroku.
  • Consume web APIs from third-party sites like Twitter, Google, or Facebook.
  • Create a RESTful API using Java Spring Framework.
  • Collaborate as a team using Git and GitHub,broadly accepted association practices, and agile development workflow.

Q5 : What certificate will I receive?

Post completion of this course, you will get the following

  • Certificate of completion from Careerera
  • Record of your achievements and skills gained during the program

Q6 : Where will the classes be held?

As we deliver the classes in varied modes so the classes will be held accordingly. For the Online program, the classes happen in a Live Online format on weekends. For the classroom program, all our classes happen at the respective learning centers.

Q7 : Do I need to bring a personal laptop?

The candidates need to bring their laptops and additional information regarding these will be given at the time of enrollment.

Q8 : What is the refund policy for the course?

We suggest all contenders go through the program information before registering. A refund appeal may not be approved after the payment is processed.

Q9 : How can I apply for the course?

If you are interested in the program, you may apply online on our website. Kindly reach out to us at or contact the support for related queries.

Q10 : For what job profiles I can aim after the program?

You may look for the following job roles:

  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Frontend Developer
  • UI Developer

Q11 : Is there any particular eligibility standard for the program?

You need to hold a bachelor’s degree and have the interest to apply for the program.


Post Graduate Program in Full Stack Development

Software Development

This Certificate is Proudly Presented to

John Smith

For Successful Completion of the Program In
Software Development with all the Mandatory Course Requirements
and Capstone Projects with Distinction.




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