Top 50 Tableau Interview Questions and Answers


Businesses now use data as the currency which enables more informed decision-making. Tableau, which offers interactive, data-based representations, is one of the top tools for making sense of data in a corporate context.  The demand for Tableau experts rises in tandem with the spread of data-centric business operations. Facing an interview that involves Tableau might be intimidating for freshers who have sparse experience. And answering those tough tableau interview questions correctly is crucial for those who want to enter the most competitive field of data. 

This post is made with diligent research for prospective professionals. We have curated the most probable and fundamental Tableau interview questions here in this post.  You can ace your Tableau interview in one shot by reviewing these carefully and articulately created Tableau interview questions and answers. 

Best Tableau Interview Questions at Beginners Level

1. What is Tableau?

Tableau can be simply termed as a business intelligence software that allows users to connect to data. It is a visual analytics tool that is revolutionizing how we utilize data to address issues by enabling individuals and companies to maximize their data.

2. How will you differentiate between a Traditional Business Intelligence Tool and Tableau?

The differences between are as follows:

  • Traditional BI tools are challenged with limitations in hardware while there are no dependencies in Tableau.
  • While a complex set of technologies serve as the foundation for traditional BI tools, Tableau is dynamic and quickly facilitated by associative search as the base.
  • Multi-thread, in-memory, and multi-core computing are not supported by traditional BI tools, on the contrary, Tableau supports in-memory in usage with advanced technologies.
  • While a traditional BI tool features a predefined data view, Tableau applies predictive analysis for numerous business operations. 

3. What are the various Tableau Products, and what is the most recent Tableau release?

The different Tableau products are discussed below:

Tableau Desktop: Anyone can use this self-service business analytics and data visualization tool. It converts data visualizations into improved queries. 

For real-time, current data analysis, you can immediately link to data from your data warehouse using the tableau desktop. Additionally, you don't need to write a single line of code to run queries. Use Tableau's data engine to import all of your data from many sources, then combine it all by mixing different views into an interactive dashboard.

Tableau Server: This Tableau software is more suited for businesses. Dashboards can be shared across the enterprise using a web-based Tableau server and published using Tableau Desktop. It makes use of quick databases via live connections.

Tableau Online: With the adoption of Tableau Business which is a hosted version of the Tableau server, intelligence is now faster and simpler. With Tableau Desktop, you can publish Tableau dashboards and distribute them to coworkers.

Tableau Reader: This open-source desktop program lets you view visualizations created using Tableau Desktop. You can drill down into the data and filter it, but you cannot alter it or make any other kind of interaction.

Tableau Public: You can create visualizations using this free Tableau software, but you must save your workbook or worksheets to the Tableau Server so that anybody can access them.

4. What are the dimensions and measurements?

Measures are the data's numerical metrics or quantifiable amounts that may be examined using a dimension table. Measures are kept in a table with foreign keys that uniquely identify the related dimension tables. The table supports atomic data storage, which makes it possible to insert more records at once. For instance, a sales table may include keys for products, clients, promotions, items sold, and events.

The descriptive attribute values for each attribute's numerous dimensions, which define a variety of qualities, are called dimensions. A dimension table can include a product's name, kind, size, color, description, and other information with reference to a product key from the table.

5. Can you name what types of data are supported in Tableau?

The following are the data types that are supported in Tableau:

  • Text (string) values
  • Date values
  • Date and time values
  • Numerical values
  • Boolean values (relational only)
  • Geographical values (used with maps)

6. What distinguishes the.twb and.twbx extensions?

An xml file with the extension.twb contains all the layouts and choices you've made in your Tableau workbook. There are no statistics on it. A "zipped" archive called a ".twbx" contains a ".twb" file along with any external files, such as extracts, and background images.

7. In Tableau, how many tables can you join at once?

In Tableau, you may combine up to 32 tables.

8. What kinds of connections can you draw from your dataset?

We have two options: extract data onto Tableau or connect live to our data collection.

Live: By utilizing a data set's computational processing and storage, a live connection can be made to it. New queries will be sent to the database, where they will be updated or represented as new within the data.

Extract: To be used by Tableau's data engine, an extract creates a static snapshot of the data. On a regular basis, the data snapshot can be updated entirely or with incremental data additions. The Tableau server is one method of configuring these schedules.

Tableau extract has the advantage over a live connection in that it can be used anywhere without a connection and allows you to create your own visualization without establishing a database connection.

9. Describe shelves.

To the left and top of an image, respectively, are named areas. By adding fields to the shelves, you can create views. You can only access some shelves if you choose specific mark types.

10. What do sets mean?

Sets are special fields that specify a subset of data in accordance with certain criteria. A set may be founded on a computed condition, such as clients with sales above a specific level. Upon the changing of data, there will be updates on the computed sets. A set could alternatively be based on a particular data point in your opinion.

11. What exactly are groups?

A group is made up of the members of a dimension that form higher level categories. For instance, you might want to combine particular majors together to form major categories if you are working with a view that displays average test scores by major.

12. What exactly is a hierarchy field?

Data drilling in Tableau is done via a hierarchical field. 

It entails taking a more detailed look into your data.

13. Define Tableau Data Server

Between Tableau users and the data, the Tableau server serves as a middleman. You may upload and distribute data extracts using Tableau Data Server, maintain database connections, reuse computations, and add field information. This enables the creation of a safe, centrally managed, and uniform dataset by allowing any modifications you make to the data set, calculated fields, parameters, aliases, or definitions to be saved and shared with others.  Additionally, you don't need to initially upload extracts to your local workstation in order to perform queries on them because you can take advantage of your server's resources.

Best Tableau Interview Questions and answers for Intermediate Level

14. Can you describe Tableau Data Engine?

One of Tableau's most innovative features is Tableau Data Engine. Its analytical database is not constrained to loading full data sets into memory and was created to provide immediate query response, predictive performance, easy integration into the current data infrastructure, and these capabilities.

The information does take some time to import, construct indexes, and sort data if you work with a lot of it, but after that, everything goes more quickly. In-memory technology is not what Tableau Data Engine is. After being imported, the data is saved on a disc, and RAM is seldom ever used.

15. What are the various Tableau filters and how do they differ from one another?

Tableau uses filters to limit the data that may be retrieved from the database. The various Tableau filters include the following:

Normal Filter: The data from the database is restricted using the normal filter depending on the chosen dimension or measure. Simply drag a field onto the "Filters" shelf to create a Traditional Filter.

The Quick Filter: Quick filter is used to filter each worksheet on a dashboard and examine the filtering options while dynamically updating the values (within the set range) while the application is running.

Context Filter:  The data that is transmitted to each individual worksheet is filtered using the context filter. A temporary, flat table is created when a worksheet queries the data source and is used to generate the graphic. All values that are not removed by the Context Filter or Custom SQL are included in this temporary table.

16. How can a calculated field be created in Tableau?

To launch the calculation editor, pick "Create > Calculated Field" from the drop-down menu next to Dimensions on the Data pane.

Create a formula and give the new field a name.

17. Describe a dual axis.

Tableau's superb Dual Axis feature allows users to display two scales of two metrics in the same graph. Dual axes are frequently used on websites like and others to compare two metrics and show how they have grown over time. Dual axes, which layer two separate axes on top of one another, allow you to compare many measures at once.

18. Differentiate a heat map from a tree map.

Comparing categories based on size and color can be done with a heat map. 

You can differentiate the two distinct measures simultaneously using heat maps. The only difference is that a tree map is thought of as a particularly strong visualization because it can be used to show part-to-whole relationships and hierarchical data.

19. Can you name Tablue's various types of Joins?

Tableau has types of joins that are similar to that of SQL. They are - 

  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Inner Join
  • Full Outer Join

20. What are data aggregation and disaggregation?

Aggregation is the process of examining numerical values or measurements at higher and more condensed layers of the data. Tableau automatically aggregates the data when you put a measure on a shelf, typically by adding it up. Because the function always precedes the field name when it is placed on a shelf, it is simple to determine the aggregate that was applied to a field. Sales, for instance, becomes SUM (Sales). Tableau only allows you to aggregate metrics from relational data sources. Only aggregated data are present in multidimensional data sources. Multidimensional data sources in Tableau are only supported on Windows.

Disaggregating your data, according to Tableau, enables you to see every row of the data source, which can be helpful when examining measurements that you might wish to use both independently and dependently in the view. For instance, you might be reviewing the findings of a product satisfaction survey in which the participants' ages were plotted along one axis. You can disaggregate the data to find out what age participants were most satisfied with the product or aggregate the Age column to find out the average age of participants.

21. What distinguishes joining from blending in Tableau?

Joining and Blending in Tableau can be different on the basis of their usage. In the event of combining data from a similar source for instance worksheet or an Excel file, the joining phrase is used. On the other hand, blending usage demands two identified sources. 

22. What do Tableau Server's Extracts and Schedules mean?

The initial copies or divisions of the real data from the original data sources are known as data extracts. Since the extracted data is imported into Tableau engine, workbooks using data extracts as opposed to live DB connections are quicker. Users can publish the workbook and the extracted data in Tableau Server after the data has been extracted. However, until users apply a scheduled refresh to the extract, the workbook and extracts won't update. 

Scheduled Refreshes are scheduling activities that have been set up for data extract refresh so that they are automatically refreshed when a workbook with data extract is published. 

Additionally, it eliminates the need to publish the workbook again each time the relevant data is updated.

23. How can Tableau perform performance testing?

Once more, performance testing is crucial to the implementation of the tableau. This can be accomplished by using TabJolt, a "Point and Run" load generator designed to carry out quality assurance, to load Testing Tableau Server. Even though TabJolt is not directly supported by Tableau, it can still be installed via other open-source software.

24. List the elements that make up a dashboard

Horizontal - The designer can group worksheets and dashboard elements from left to right across your page and change the height of all parts at once using horizontal layout containers.

Vertical - Vertical containers let you modify the width of all of the elements at once and group worksheets and dashboard elements from top to bottom of the page.

Text - All fields with text. A Tableau workbook is in XML format. Image Extract. Tableau uses certain codes to extract photos that can be saved in XML in order to extract images.

Web [URL ACTION]: An external Web page, file, or even other web-based resource is referenced by a URL action, which is a hyperlink. You could use URL actions to point to additional data about your data that could be stored elsewhere. You can include field values from a selection as URL parameters to make the link relevant to your data.

25. How can I get rid of "All" selections from a Tableau auto-filter?

Simply click the down arrow in the auto-filter heading to remove "All" selections from the auto-filter. You can select "Customize" from the dropdown menu by scrolling down and unchecking the "Show "All" Value" box. By checking the field once more, it can be made active.

26. What is the method of applying Custom Color to Tableau?

In Tableau, a power tool is referred to as adding a custom color. After you save the.tps file, restart your Tableau desktop. Drag the measurement you want to color to Color from the Measures window. Select Edit Colors using the menu arrow next to the color legend. When a dialogue box appears, choose the palette from the drop-down list and adjust as necessary.

27. How do TDE files work?

TDE, which ends in.tde, is a Tableau desktop file. 

It alludes to a file that has data that has been taken from another source, such as a CSV file, MS Excel, or MS Access.

TDE designs are excellent for facilitating analytics and data discovery due to two factors:

  • Start with the columnar store - TDE 
  • Second is their organizational structure, which affects how Tableau loads them into memory and uses them. This is a crucial component of TDEs' "architecture awareness." TDEs that are architecture-aware employ the entire computer memory, from RAM to hard disc, and assign each component the tasks that are most appropriate for it.

28. Tell us if Tableau allows you to develop relational joins without starting from scratch.

Yes, relational joins can be made in tableau without using a new table.

29. How can reports be automated?

You must publish reports to the tableau server, and one of the publishing options is to schedule reports. Simply choose the time that you want to reload data.

30. What does "Assume referential integrity" mean?

In some circumstances, choosing the Assume Referential Integrity option from the Data menu will increase query performance. When you select this option, Tableau will only include the connected table in the query if fields in the view directly mention it.

31. Describe when you would use Tableau's Joins vs. Blending functionality.

It is always preferable to use joins when data is contained in a single source. The most practical method for building a left join, such as the link between your primary and secondary data sources, when your data is dispersed is blending.

32. What does "default Data Blending Join" mean?

Without the use of any extra coding, data blending allows users to combine data from several data sources into a single Tableau report. It can be compared to a left outer join. However, it is feasible to simulate left, right, and inner join by changing which data sources are the main or by filtering nulls.

33. What does "mixed axis" mean to you?

Measures in Tableau can share an axis so that all marks are displayed in a single pane. When you combine measures, there is only one row or column and all of the values for each measure are displayed along a single continuous axis rather than adding more rows and columns to the view. By simply sliding one measure or axis and dropping it onto an already-existing axis, we can combine numerous measures.

34. How does Tableau tell a story?

A worksheet that has a series of worksheets or dashboards that work together to present information is called a tale. You can use stories to make a strong argument, provide context, illustrate how decisions affect results, or simply connect the dots between the facts. A story point is a name given to each separate sheet in a story.

35. In Tableau, what distinguishes discrete from continuous data?

Tableau supports both discrete and continuous dimension data roles. Values that are counted as distinct and separate and can only accept individual values within a range are known as discrete data roles. Examples include the number of threads on a sheet, a customer's name, a row ID, or a state. Blue tablets on the shelves and blue icons in the data window represent discrete values.

Continuous data roles, which can have any value within a finite or infinite range, are used to measure continuous data. Examples include unit cost, time and profit, or order size. Similar to discrete variables, continuous variables can have any value. Constant values are displayed as green pills. 

36. How can I make a story in Tableau?

In Tableau, there are numerous ways to generate a story. Each plot point may be based on a unique view or dashboard, or the entire narrative may be built on a single visualization that is viewed through various phases with various filters and annotations. Stories can be used to describe a series of events or to support a business case.

  • Select the tab for New Story.
  • Select a tale size in the lower-left corner of the screen. Pick one of the standard sizes or provide a custom size in pixels.
  • Your story's title is automatically derived from the sheet name. 
  • Double-click the title to edit it. 
  • Additionally, you can alter the font, color, and alignment of your title. 
  • To view your changes, click Apply.
  • Drag a sheet from the Story tab on the left and drop it in the view's middle to begin creating your story.
  • For a brief summary of the plot point, click Add a caption.
  • Drag a text object over to the story worksheet and enter your comment to draw attention to an important point for your audience.
  • You can modify a filter or sort on a field in the view to emphasize the key idea of this story point. After making your changes, click Update above the navigation box to save them.

37. What is the DRIVE Program Methodology?

Tableau Drive is scaling out strategy for self-service analytics. Drive is based on industry-leading techniques from deployments in successful businesses. In contrast to conventional long-cycle deployment, the methodology uses iterative, agile processes that are quicker and more efficient. A new paradigm of business and IT partnership is a pillar of this strategy.

38. What is the method of utilizing a group in a computed field?

You can group fields either by creating a calculated field in the data window and using it each time or by adding the same calculation to the "Group By" clause in the SQL query.

Using groups in a calculation: Ad-hoc groups cannot be referred to in a calculation.

Using the groupings defined in the secondary data source and combining the data: If the group was made in the secondary data source, then only calculated groups may be used in data blending.

Employ a group in a different workbook: By copying and pasting a computation, you can quickly recreate a group in a different workbook.

39. Describe the distinctions between published and embedded data sources in Tableau.

Published data sources and embedded data sources differ in the following manner that is available to all workbooks and is not specific to any one of them. On the contrary, an Embedded data source is linked to a worksheet and contains connection details.

Tableau Interview Questions and Answers for Advanced Level

40. How may views be added to websites?

Tableau views and dashboards can be embedded interactively into websites, blogs, wikis, web apps, and intranet portals. When their workbooks are updated on Tableau Server or when the underlying data changes, embedded views are updated. The same licensing and permission constraints that apply to Tableau Server also apply to embedded views. That is, the user accessing the view must also have an account on Tableau Server in order to see a Tableau view that is embedded in a web page.

Alternatively, a Guest account is accessible if your company uses a core-based subscription for Tableau Server. This makes it possible for users inside your company to access and interact with Tableau views that are embedded in web pages without logging into the server. If the Guest user is enabled for the website you publish to, check with your server or the site administrator.

41. Design a map view so that, if a user picks a state, the cities inside that state must display revenue and sales.

State, city, profit, and sales fields are required by your question in your dataset.

First, click twice on the state field.

Step 2 is to drag the city into Mark's card.

Step 3: Drag and drop the sales to the appropriate size.

Fourth step: Drag and drop profit into color.

Step 5: Increase the size by clicking the size legend.

Step 6: Select Show Quick Filter by right-clicking on the state field.

Step 7: Choose any state at this point and view the results.

42. Will users still be able to view dashboards or workbooks that I published earlier on the server if my license expires today?

Your server username will have the role "unlicensed" if your server license expires today, meaning that you are unable to access the server but others can. In order to prevent extracts from failing, the site administrator might change the ownership to another individual.

43. Does Tableau software make wise strategic purchases?

Yes! Of course. It provides you with data understanding to a degree that other technologies are unable to. Additionally, it aids in planning, identifying irregularities, and process improvement for the benefit of your business.

44. Is it possible to create a report using an Excel file and then update it on a regular basis in a shared location?

Yes, we are capable of doing that. But we should utilize Extract for better performance.

45. Is Tableau compatible with MacOS?

Yes, you may install Tableau Desktop on a Mac or a Windows computer.

46. What is the largest number of rows that Tableau can use simultaneously?

The number of rows in the table has no bearing on Tableau. Because Tableau only fetches the rows and columns necessary to provide answers to your query, users utilize it to access petabytes of data.

47. There may be times when an error regarding needing to extract appears while publishing workbooks on Tableau online. Why does it occasionally occur?

This occurs when a user attempts to publish a workbook that is linked to a private server or a file located on a local device, such as a SQL server inside the network of a firm.

48. Define LOD

Instead of bringing all the data to the Tableau interface, sophisticated searches involving multiple dimensions are conducted at the data source level using a LOD also known as the level of detail expression.

49. Which visualization will be used for the scenarios provided?

To display combined sales figures for several product categories and subcategories

To illustrate how long events or activities last

For the above circumstances, we would employ the following visualizations to demonstrate quarterly profit growth:

  • Waterfall chart 
  • Gantt chart
  •  Treemap

50. How does Tableau display underlying SQL queries?

There are two ways to view underlying SQL queries in Tableau:

  • To record performance data about the key events you engage with in the worksheet, create a performance recording. The performance measurements are available to users in a Tableau workbook.
  • Reviewing the Tableau Desktop Logs in the My Tableau Repository folder at C:/Users/My Documents

That’s all on the most important Tableau Interview question and answers based on the different levels which will serve you as a concrete guide for your interview preparation. 


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