Digital Marketing

Make your presence felt and expand your demographic.

The modern world has equipped itself digitally. Businesses and organizations around the world have understood the value that lies in the digital platform. They are making more and more efforts to reach their customers on it. They have realized the fact that digital platforms are the real future deeply. The competitive corporate world knows very well that the winners of the future marketplace will be those who control the most eyeballs on the digital platforms.

The biggest change from traditional markets to the current market is that companies around the world have learned that Digital Marketing cannot be taken as a mere optional strategy. The growth rate of the digital industry is expected to be 32% CAGR in India alone. The global expenditure of organization’s budgets on Digital marketing is projected to increase by as much as 200%. Thus it can be easily seen that the demand for skilled Digital marketers will grow exponentially in the coming years. One of the companies’ primary desires will be to ensure that their marketing budgets are utilized efficiently and effectively instead of being misspent and wasted away without any significant returns on investment. For this purpose they will require many skilled and experienced Digital marketers who know their way around the many intricacies and nuances of various digital platforms, creating a need for popular Digital Marketing Certification Training courses.

Thus it can be logically concluded that the scope for Digital marketers is going to expand tremendously in the coming years. For a fresher who desires to enter the field of Digital marketing or for a working professional already present in the field who desires to sharpen his skills and expand his knowledge, an excellent and comprehensive certification course is required. Careerera’s PGP in Digital Marketing course wholly fulfills that requirement.

Why choose Careerera for the PGP in Digital Marketing certification training?

Careerera’s Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing is an excellently designed course which has duration of Minimum 6 months. It is easily the best digital marketing certification course available in the market today. This is because of a number of different factors. We have a team of highly trained instructors for the course. They have decades of experience in the field of Digital marketing as they have worked as professionals in the industry directly. Careerera hires its instructors after subjecting them to a rigorous screening process which they have to clear in order to be selected. Thus we ensure that only the top notch faculty interacts with our learners. They make the use of the most current and contemporary teaching techniques and teaching methodologies for imparting knowledge to our learners. They are very dedicated and offer round the clock support and assistance to the learners through email, voice, and video channels. Our learners will find that with the aid of our devoted instructors they will be able to sail through the digital marketing training with no trouble whatsoever.

They have drafted the curriculum with painstaking care and systematic precision. The difficulty of the course has been set to neither be a complete cakewalk nor be prohibitively difficult. There are several meticulously prepared course study materials such as videos, lectures, notes, assignments, surprise quizzes, and capstone projects. They will all enable the learners to grasp and revise the main topics and core concepts of the course properly. The capstone projects in particular will help the learners to test themselves by applying their newly acquired skills and knowledge to practical and hands-on tasks. The instructors will provide accurate and pointed feedback on them which will prove to be a valuable resource for

learners to correct and improve themselves. It is highly advised for them to opt for this digital marketing certificate online.

Why Digital Marketing?

Learn how to make a brand a big player.

  • The digital advertising market size is around Rs. 10,819 crore and the market will expand to Rs. 24,920 crore.

  • 18 Lakh Jobs in Digital Marketing to be generated by 2020 Globally

  • Online Advertising to increase by 30% Year-on-Year

  • Estimated spends of Rs. 25,200 crore in Digital Media advertisement by 2020.

  • Online (Digital) Advertising Market Size is Projected to Reach USD 235760 Million by 2026 | Valuates Reports

On completing this program, you will:

Learn the latest approaches to strategic marketing that is effective across all channels

Learn industry standard tools like Google Adwords, FB ads, Google Analytics and SEO optimisation.

Be an affiliate marketer/ influencer and manage your digital brand.

Learn to optimize and make your marketing an effective revenue generator.

Learn to use content across platforms to effectively communicate your brand message and value

Develop an in-depth understanding of top-of-mind digital marketing functions such as inbound marketing, paid marketing, social media marketing, and web analytics

Become competent in planning, managing, and executing integrated multi-channel campaigns

Lead digital marketing teams and digital marketing initiatives for your organization

Understand how digital marketing disciplines all work together and how to optimize your use of each one

Program Highlights

See what benefits you can derive from this program.

  • Online Program

    Minimum 12-month online program

    Online Lab Sessions

  • Collaborations

    Careerera has collaboration with many eminent Universities and Organisations across the Globe to exchange the knowledge.

  • Dedicated Placement Team

    Career guidance and mentorship by Careerera's faculty and industry leaders

    Resume review and interview preparation sessions

    Access to opportunities with leading companies

  • Become Job-ready

    Real-world case studies to build practical skills

    Digital Marketing Manager, SEM Manager, SEO Specialist, Social Media and Content Manager.

    Learn industry insights through multiple industry knowledge sessions

  • Top Skills You Will learn

    SEO, SEM, Social Media and Content Marketing, Branding, Marketing Analytics.

    Growth Marketing Tactics

    Hands on Experience of 100+ Tools

  • Certified Trainers

    Highly Skilled Industry Expert Trainers

    Possess Decades of Experiences

    Learn Industry Insights Through Multiple Industry Knowledge Sessions

Program Curriculum

Learn the topics you will be expected to explore.

  • Module 1

    About Digital Marketing outline

  • Module 2

    Website Creation

  • Module 3

    Search Engine Optimization:

  • Module 4

    Search Engine Marketing:

  • Module 5

    Social Media Marketing:

  • Module 6

    Online Display Marketing:

  • Module 7

    Email Marketing:

  • Module 8

    Online Reputation Management:

  • Module 9

    Google Analytics:

  • Module 10

    Mobile Marketing:

  • Module 11

    Affiliate Marketing:

  • Module 12

    Content Marketing:

Capstone Projects

Showoff your new skills with some practical experiences.

Customer Satisfaction

Measure and monitor customer satisfaction for digital marketing agencies by conducting customer surveys. Customers prefer instant gratification for money spent; provide them that in a practical way.

Google Search Engine Case Study Analysis

Bringing a website to the top of the search results in the Google search engine. You will use various SEO and marketing strategies to improve the page rankings of your chosen website and analyze the caste study of its journey to the top.

Return on Investment for Different Marketing Strategies

Contact different companies and comprehend their budgets for various marketing approaches. Carry out thorough analysis of the returns that the company expect in various metrics such as Future Value, Net Present Value, and Internal Rate of Return.

Create and Design a Blog

Develop a flair for writing and post as many blog posts as can be written creatively. Implement various digital marketing strategies on the blog and make it more attractive to visitors. Practice creating backlings and content design through the medium of the blog.

Social Media Strategies for Online Shopping Carts

Use your skills to create and develop a seamless digital marketing project which revolves around social media. Target customers who have built shopping carts but haven’t checked them out through social media remarketing strategies.

Analysis and Comparison of Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing

Analyze and compare traditional marketing strategies to the modern digital marketing strategies. Evaluate the returns that a company receives from various components of digital marketing – RoI, conversion ratio, feedback, audience interaction.

Targeted Marketing with Facebook Analytics

Track viewers who have viewed ads on Facebook across all Facebook channels such as Facebook lite, Messenger, Desktop, Mobile app etc. with the help of Facebook analytics. Target users with advertisements at a completely granular level.

Carry out Promotional Activities Through Coupon Codes

On the basis of coupon codes, obtain valuable data about customer behaviour and feed it into different AI-based e- commerce algorithms to predict customer behaviour with greater accuracy and improve customer loyalty.

Analyze Competitors in Digital Marketing

Evaluate, imitate, and outperform a company’s competitors in the field of Digital Marketing. Explore the various tools which are available to analyze competitor operations and strategies such as Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, SpyFu, SimilarWeb, SEMrush etc.

Utilize Visual Keyword Tools

Collect and make use of a plethora of keyword analysis tools which have the capability to connect to search engine APIs, retrieve most of the data associated with organic searches, perform evaluation and analysis, and deliver the best results to the users.

Why Careerera

Take help from thebest faculty from around the world.



Top Ranked Programs


Hiring partners


Best Digital Marketing Faculty


Digital Marketing Batch Profile

Our students include freshers and experienced professionals from across industries, functions and backgrounds.

Placement Guarantee

Take advantage of Careerera’s tieups with numerous companies.

Access to Opportunities with Leading Companies

Workshops on Resume Review & Interview Preparation

Career Guidance and Mentorship by Careerera and Industry Leaders

Placement Highlight

  • 200+
    Participating Companies
  • $122K PA
    Average CTC
  • $250K
    Highest CTC
  • 87%
    Average Salary Hike

Hiring Partners

Land a kosher job at the end of the program.

Application Process

Join the program with a single online form.

Apply by filling a simple online application form

Admissions committee will review and shortlist.

Shortlisted candidates need to appear for an online aptitude test.

Screening call with Alumni/ Program Director/ Faculty

Sign Up

4 + 3 =


Here are all the answers to your bubbling questions.

Q1 : What is the PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera and what makes it different from individual courses?

A : Post Graduate Program in Digital Marketing is a carefully designed learning path that has been created by some of the leading industry experts. The structure of the course curriculum has been set up in a way that even a complete beginner to Digital Marketing will be able to follow the course progression and understand all the course materials clearly. Our world-class instructors will ensure that you become a master of Digital Marketing by the time you complete the course.

Q2 : Can Careerera provide the PGP in Digital Marketing course at a location near me?

Q3 : Can I ask for a support and doubt clearing session if I want to understand the topics at a deeper level?

Q4 : Which kind of projects are assigned as part of the training?

Q5 : Does Careerera provide any kind of job assistance?

Q6 : What is the definition of Digital Marketing? What makes it so important?

Q7 : Is a Digital Marketer a good Career choice?

Q8 : What are the skills required to start a job in the field of Digital Marketing?

Q9 : Who is eligible for taking the PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera?

Q10 : What are the tools and technologies used to teach this PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera?

Q11 : What is the duration of this PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera?

Q12 : Which topics are covered in the course curriculum of the PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera?

Q13 : Which sectors are the capstone projects based on?

Q14 : Why should one choose Careerera?


Post Graduate Program

Digital Marketing

This Certificate is Proudly Presented to

John Smith

For Successful Completion of the Post Graduate Program In
Digital Marketing with all the Mandatory Course Requirements
and Capstone Projects with Distinction.




Director Training

Student's Review & Feedback

Program Rated

4.6 / 5 by 1300 learners
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Submit Review
  • Swathish
  • I can easily say that this course is quite simply the best online resource on Digital Marketing. The concepts were explained in a logical, well-developed, and complete way. The instructors possessed a great knowledge about the subject matter and it was evidenced by their teaching. The order of the topics was set very aptly as all the topics followed a linear progression of one topic after another and were presented very logically. The assignments and the projects were a source of practice for me in the form of a precise measuring yardstick for my progress and skills.

  • Gaurav Sharma
  • The course was of an extremely high quality and I was quite impressed by it. There were videos and teacher’s notes provided by the instructors which proved to be very educational. The lessons were delivered in a very precise and pointed way and as a learner it was easy for me to extract the most important takeaways at every step. The entire PGP in Digital Marketing program went by surprisingly smoothly and I will definitely recommend it to everybody who wants to step into the field of Data Science. The instructors also provided highly specific and accurate feedback on notes, videos, assignments, and projects.

  • vaishali
  • I found the PGP in Digital Marketing course to my liking. The introduction was put together really well. The course as a whole laid down the path for imbibing all the necessary information and made me much more informed and knowledgeable. The lessons were delivered online using the latest technology and learning at Careerera felt like a completely seamless experience. The addition of capstone projects was a great masterstroke as it allowed us to practice the skills that we had learned in a practical way on real world projects. The difficulty of the assignments and projects was also very aptly judged. They were neither too easy nor prohibitively challenging.

  • Pooja kulkarni
  • I am glad that I chose to enroll in the PGP in Digital Marketing course by Careerera. It helped me learn the nitty-gritties of Digital Marketing in an efficient, comprehensive, and cost-effective way. The instructors were very helpful in the matter of teaching us the skills required in the field of Digital Marketing with practical examples and lively methodologies. I now know how to detect Digital Marketing tactics which have a probability of winning in the competitive market. I know how to drive digital marketing promotions under strict budgets. I also know most of the methods to increase page rankings on search engines and setup successful social media page accounts. All this is possible thanks to Careerera.

  • Mark Stapay 
  • The PGP in Digital Marketing course was a great aid for me to learn Digital Marketing the right way. I did not have any prior experience in Digital Marketing before enrolling in this course, but because of the excellent and world-class instructors, I was able to sail through the course smoothly without any hitches or problems. The online classes were wonderful and very helpful in grasping all the concepts of the Digital Marketing course. I now know how to implement strategies for lead generation and the ways of converting traffic into leads and sales. I can even integrate wordpress themes and plugins, all thanks to Careerera.

  • kim
  • There were many options for learning Digital Marketing at the time when I was searching for a good online course for the same. But in the end I chose the PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera and it proved to be a very good choice for me. I don’t regret it in the slightest. In that Digital Marketing course I was taught most of the major topics related to Digital Marketing and I was able to pick them up easily because of the presence of the course’s skilled and expert instructors who were there to assist and support me every step of the way. The instructors assigned plenty of material to help us practice and test ourselves such as assignments, projects, surprise quizzes etc. All these things were very helpful to me for learning Digital Marketing. I now know how SEO works and how search engine algorithms work, all due to Careerera’s significant contribution to my education.

  • Darrel Green
  • I am really grateful to Careerera for providing such a helpful course on the topic of Digital Marketing. The PGP in Digital Marketing course by Careerera has been very crucial in improving the quality and content of my knowledge. The topics in the course were covered in a very effective and clear manner and I was able to follow the instructor’s teaching easily. The assignments, projects, and surprise quizzes were all clearly aimed at helping the learners revise and practice what they had learned in the class and they worked very well in that connection. Now, after having completed the course, I have a full command over Digital Marketing concepts such as how Google’s algorithms work, how on-page optimization works, how Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird works etc.

  • safwan
  • The PGP in Digital Marketing course is so well designed and well put together that it is clearly evident that it was built as a very robust and targeted course. There is so much knowledge and information packed in the course that it is hard to believe that I was able to gather and process all of it in a mere Minimum 9 months. But I did it and it was only made possible by the excellent and world-class instructors of Careerera who guided us every step of the way and assisted us by giving us feedback and comments on our projects, assignment answers, and questions and doubts. I myself availed the one on one instructor doubt clearing sessions many times and always came out of them much more confident and sure of my grasp on the concepts than before.

  • Mike G
  • I am delighted with my experience with the PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera. Most of the fellow learners who I have talked to echo my thoughts on the course. What is not there to like about this course? The instructors were wonderful and first-class, the materials that they assigned to us such as the videos, lectures, notes, surprise quizzes, assignments, and projects were clearly designed very specifically to help us memorize and revise the concepts that we were learning in the class, and the feedback on the assignments and projects was very precise and accurate.

  • Guillaume K
  • I took the PGP in Digital Marketing course from Careerera with high expectations and all of them have been fulfilled. I now know understand the diverse range of online marketing techniques, am capable of running online search and display campaigns, have the ability to manage and promote a brand online, understand the different kinds of audiences and which search strategy would function most effectively for a given product. I have gained all this knowledge and all these skills only because of the assistance of the great and learned instructors of the course, who guided me and led me step by step to advance in the concepts gradually. They reinforced all my concepts with revision through assignments, projects, videos, notes, surprise quizzes, and references.
