Top 15 Agile Scrum Interview Questions and Answers


Check Out the Agile and Scrum Based Interview Questions & Answers

What do you mean by Retrospective?

A meeting that inspects and adapts the process is called retrospective meeting.

Describe the time when the team members are not getting along. How will you handle the situation?

It is ok if you face a few conflicts between your team members but at this time, your interviewer is looking for ability in you of an effective leader. Think of a time when you had a few team members who never seemed to be able to work the things out. Now, remember how you encouraged them to work together. Was it a team-building exercise? Was it made sure that the team members had a common goal? Here, you have to state the problem you had earlier, how it was addressed and the outcome of the problem.

What do you understand by a burn-down chart?

The chart that displays the amount of work burned through the team like hours during the sprint is called burn-down chart. You have to discuss the methods that have been taken by you to use these in the past.

Describe the number of Scrum teams you have managed at a time?

This question is generally asked by many. You do not need to offer the scrum guidelines. Rather, you have to state only one Scrum Master per team. This should be your answer. In this role, the individual is required to lead more than one team. Make sure that you notice the use of the word “Led” versus “Managed”. Managing the team is not the work of Scrum Masters, they lead them – so, you have to make sure that you use this word in your response.

Will you go for automated testing for your project?

The use of automated performance or regression testing is encouraged by the Scrum so that software can be continuously delivered.  You can offer some of the examples of any automated testing tools that have been used by your teams.

How much time should be expected by a person to spend the activities of a Scrum Master?

This role should be the priority of the Scrum Master so that s/he can focus on the benefits of the overall team. The load will vary from sprint to sprint which will depend on the impediments and the issues that the team is dealing with. More of the Scrum Master time is taken by the newly formed teams, 50-100 percent; while the experienced Scrum Master with the well-functioning teams might spend 50 percent or less time on the role of the Scrum master.

What is the meaning of daily Stand-up?

There will be a possibility that you will get an interview question about daily Stand-up. Let us see the answer. It is an everyday meeting, preferably held in the morning, in which the whole team has to meet for almost 15 minutes to find the answer of the three questions mentioned below –

What was the work done yesterday?

What is the plan for today?

Is there any obstacle or issue that restricts you from completing your task?

This meeting is a very effective way of motivating the team and ensure that they set a goal for the day.

Explain the difference and similarity between Scrum and Agile.

The difference between Scrum and Agile is that Agile is a broad term, a methodology, that we use for project management while Scrum is a form of the Agile that describes the process and the steps. Agile is a practice whereas Scrum is called a procedure to pursue the practice.

The similarity is that Agile means completing projects in steps or incrementally. The agile methodology is iterative and that Scrum is a form of Agile, so this is the same as Agile. It is also incremental.

Explain the roles in Scrum.

Three roles can be prescribed in Scrum: Scrum Master, Product Owner, and the Delivery team. The roles mentioned above are cross-functional and are not shared among other projects. The opportunity of working with a team that is dedicated or cross-functional due to the resistance or inability of the organization is not got by many Scrum Masters so that they can allow for “Luxury”. This question will lead the interviewer to ask the question of how you, as a Scrum Master, would handle working with a team that did not have a tester or designer. They also ask how you would handle the team that is not dedicated.

What qualities should be possessed by a good Agile Tester?

They should be able to understand the necessities quickly.

They should be familiar with the principles and concepts of Agile.

Agile Testers should understand the risks involved in the situation where the requirements keep changing.

Agile Testers should properly know to prioritize their work on the basis of requirements.

They should be able to communicate well as they need to constantly communicate with the business associates and developers.

Tell the duration of the Scrum Sprint.

Usually, the duration of the Scrum Sprint (Scrum cycle) is dependent on the size of the project and the team which is working on it. The size of the team may vary from 3-9 members. A scrum Sprint is completed in 3-4 weeks. So, on average, the average duration of the Sprint is 4 weeks.

Are You a Certified Scrum Master?

You should not be surprised if you do not hold the certification and this question has been asked to you. The job description may or may not have demanded the certification. Also, it is not believed by the interviewer that the certification is enough to have the knowledge to be a good candidate for the role that you have applied. If you do not have a certification, you should let the interviewer know if you are planning on investing in the certification in the upcoming future. But, be sure to mention the years of experience you are holding in this field.

What do you understand by the release candidate?

This is a version of the software that is released to production. Additionally, testing such as UAT should be performed on this version of the product.

What do you understand by the Scrum ban?

This is a Scrum and Kanban based model that is used for Software Development. This is specially used for the projects that have several programming errors, need continuous maintenance or have some sudden changes. The completion of the project in a minimum time for a user story or programming error is promoted by this model.

What do you mean by Product Backlog in Scrum?

Before you initiate the Scrum Sprint, the list of all new features, enhancements, changes, requests and bug reports are reviewed by the Product Owner. In case, the project is new, the new features that must be provided by the new system are included in it. those list of items is referred to as Product Backlog. Sprint Backlog is the items that are kept on the Sprint.

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