How Six Sigma Certification Could Enhance Your Career?


Six Sigma certification

In this article we will talk about how the six sigma certifications can enhance your career. 

1. Leads to general career advancement -

It is a general principle of life that all human beings desire wealth and prosperity. Now, what is the surest way to general wealth and prosperity? It is only by having a great, dynamic, and fulfilling career that a human being can achieve a high degree of wealth and prosperity.

Without a great career how will any human being be able to provide for himself? How will he be able to put food on the table? How will he be able to pay all of his various bills? How will he be able to have a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-reliance?

So we have established that it is necessary to have a great career in order to have general wealth and prosperity. Now we will take a look at what needs to be done in order to have a great career. The simplest, easiest, and surest way to have a great career is by getting a six sigma green belt certification.

A six sigma certification is like a crest jewel on top of all the other credentials in a candidate’s resume. It is the sum total of all the skills and knowledge which are required for leading, directing, and managing large projects in the corporate world.

Therefore, when a candidate gets a six sigma certification, the management staff of the businesses and organizations become very eager and enthusiastic to give him promotions and place him in higher and higher positions. Thus, a six sigma certification leads to general career advancement.

2. Gives you increased leadership skills -

All human beings require a leader to function properly. It is a good leader who is responsible for the success of any endeavour or any undertaking. Without a good leader, the chances of any endeavour or any undertaking succeeding become very low. This is because a leader brings a lot of very important things to the table when it comes to actually implementing and executing a project’s design.

With a leader, the team has a certain vision. With a leader, the team has a certain mission. With a leader, the team has certain values. With a leader, the team has certain goals. A leader can give a lot of positive and strong guidance to the team. A leader can also provide a lot of solid support to the team.

A leader is a very strong, central, and pivotal force which drives all the efforts of the team. A leader can make or break a team. A good leader can inspire all the team members to do their best and to give their 100% and a bad leader can fill all the team members with laziness, lethargy, inertia, and depression.

When an individual gets a six sigma certification they are trained in the art of leading teams. They are put through many training exercises so that they may develop very refined and finely honed training skills and so that they may lead their teams to success and prosperity.

3. Clears the way to management positions -

The six sigma methodology has become immensely popular and has been adopted by most businesses and organizations in the world. There are several very good reasons for this. One big reason is that the six sigma methodology provides several tools and techniques which are very useful for leading, directing, and managing large projects.

So when the hiring managers of the various businesses and organizations of the corporate world see that an individual has got a six sigma certification they immediately understand that that individual must have a high degree of expertise in project management.

They immediately understand that they can safely place their trust in that individual to lead, direct, and manage their projects very nicely. The six sigma methodology is very well known and well respected in the corporate world. Due to this reason, the hiring managers of the various businesses and organizations of the corporate world are very eager and very enthusiastic to hire six sigma certified individuals and place them in management positions.

So a six sigma certification will clear the way to management positions for an individual. They will not have to hanker for management positions. Their way to management positions will be cleared automatically just by dint of them acquiring a six sigma certification. They don’t have to endeavour separately for being placed in a management position.

4. Leads to an increased salary -

Earning money is one of the goals of human life. Every human being wants to earn as much money as possible and within as short a time as possible. Without a money how will any human being be able to provide for himself? How will he be able to put food on the table? How will he be able to pay all of his various bills? How will he be able to have a sense of self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-reliance?

So we have established that money is necessary for a good, happy, healthy, fulfilling, and satisfactory life. Now the question we have to answer is, how to earn that money? The simple answer is that we can earn that money by working at a good job and by performing to our fullest capacity at that job.

Now how is this related to the six sigma methodology and the six sigma certifications? It is related in this way. When one gets a six sigma certification, they become fully qualified to lead, direct, and manage projects on behalf of the business or organization which has hired them.

As we have mentioned before, they are usually placed in very high managerial positions by the business or organization which has hired them because they are very qualified and can perform the task of leading, directing, and managing the projects very well.

Now, the management staff of the business or organization know that the work that the six sigma-certified professionals are doing is very important work and is very vital to the functioning of the business or organization and very crucial for the success of the project which it is undertaking.

So the management staff of the business or organization always attempt to compensate the six sigma-certified professionals with as high a salary as possible. They always give the six sigma-certified professionals very large salary packages in order to keep them happy, satisfied, content, and focused on the important work that they do for the company.

5. Formal training will give you solid base of knowledge -

Knowledge is the real goal of an intelligent human being’s life. It is knowledge alone which makes all of a human being’s endeavours possible and it is knowledge alone which is responsible for making them successful. Without knowledge a human being’s life is akin to a room which is shut off from all light.

Just like a plant dries up and withers away if it is not given a steady supply of rainwater, similarly, a human being’s mind also dries up and starts to wither away if it is not given a steady supply of wholesome knowledge. So it should be the goal, aim, and objective of every human being’s life to amass, accrue, and acquire as much knowledge as possible within their lifetime.

Now, this knowledge is not found so easily. It does not grow on the trees and the plants that it can simply be plucked and consumed. It has to be sought after and much endeavour needs to be made in order to acquire it and gather it. Finding a bona fide source of knowledge is just as hard, if not harder, than actually acquiring, comprehending, and understanding knowledge itself.

In this regard we are very fortunate that we have all the knowledge we could ever desire about the six sigma methodology available to us through the medium of the six sigma certifications. So we do not have to wander here and there for acquiring knowledge about the six sigma methodology.

It is readily available to us in a nicely packaged form and we can take advantage of it for a small price.

6. This certification is valued in all the industries -

The six sigma methodology has become immensely popular and has been adopted by most businesses and organizations in the world. There are several very good reasons for this. One big reason is that the six sigma methodology provides several tools and techniques which are very useful for leading, directing, and managing large projects.

So when the hiring managers of the various businesses and organizations of the corporate world see that an individual has got a six sigma certification they immediately understand that that individual must have a high degree of expertise in project management.

They immediately understand that they can safely place their trust in that individual to lead, direct, and manage their projects very nicely. The six sigma methodology is very well known and well respected in the corporate world. All the sectors and industries of the corporate world place their trust in the six sigma methodology unreservedly.

So anyone who gets a six sigma certification will not have any difficulty in finding a job in any sector or industry in the corporate world.

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