Everything you should know about Cloud Computing


Cloud computing has grown massively popular over the last few decades. The meteoric rise of AWS is a testament to the fact that cloud computing is here to stay. In this article, we have mentioned everything you need to know about cloud computing in simple terms and clear and well-organized points.

What is cloud computing?

In simple terms, cloud computing in the field in which computing services are delivered on-demand. Cloud computing providers typically follow a ‘pay as you scale’ pricing model in which the clients or customers only have to pay for the computing services they make use of. This can be understood by getting a masters in Cloud Computing.

This proves to be a very economic model for the clients and customers as they are able to control the expenditure of money and match it to their actual usage of services instead of being charged an extortionate amount of money for services in bulk. They can easily opt-in for more services as they scale or grow.

The computing services include software applications, off-premise storage, and processing power. The software applications can range from music applications to smart home software to smart device software to even gaming libraries. These applications are mentioned in the masters in Cloud Computing course.

Subscribing to cloud computing services allows businesses and organizations to take advantage of the expertise of the cloud computing providers in setting up IT infrastructure. Since the cloud computing providers set up the IT infrastructure on their own premises the clients and the customers don’t even have to worry about the maintenance and upkeep of the IT infrastructure.

It is not that the clients and customers are the only ones who benefit from this arrangement. The cloud computing provider companies also derive benefit from providing their services with a ‘pay as you scale’ pricing model. This economical model attracts a lot of clients and customers to them and they can thus tap into the huge market and make huge profits on a large scale. This pricing model is discussed in a masters in Cloud Computing course.

Some examples of cloud computing -

1. Storage -

Cloud computing providers offer a massive amount of storage at relatively low prices. It costs much more money for businesses and organizations to set up their own data centers with dedicated storage in the form of large numbers of hard drives or other more complex constructions.

2. Networking -

Cloud networking or cloud-based networking refers to the process by which users are given access to the networking resources of a cloud computing provider such as the star and tree topologies of the AWS. In order to avail this service, the user has to connect to a WAN or a wide area network. One can learn about this technique by taking a Cloud Computing course online.

3. Processing power -

Nowadays many companies are starting big projects which involve tens of thousands, or even millions of users. Small startups can quickly increase their reach to that size. This is possible only due to the processing power that cloud computing providers make available at relatively low costs.

The cloud computing providers enable users to create virtual servers through a process called virtualization which allows multiple users to access the processing power of one physical server and share it among themselves.

4. Natural language processing and artificial intelligence -

Cloud computing providers like AWS have written several natural language processing and artificial intelligence libraries which are very well-designed and well-written. They have been tested extensively both by proprietary and open-source parties. There is nary a bug to be found in them.

Applications like Google Now, Gmail, Google keyboard, and Microsoft’s electronic personal assistant, Cortana, make extensive use of AWS’s natural language processing and artificial intelligence services. One can learn how to design such applications by taking a Cloud Computing course online.

5. Standard office applications -

Many small startups have appeared on the tech scene and their main function is to attempt to emulate Microsoft Office and LibreOffice. Productivity applications and tools similar to MS Word and MS Powerpoint have become so commonplace that AWS has launched several cloud services to cater to them.

What is the reason behind the name Cloud computing?

The field that we are discussing in this article is called cloud computing for the following reason – the metaphor is that all the data of the client or customer is stored in a virtual space that can be accessed from any location with a strong and stable internet connection. One can learn how to design this virtual space by taking a Cloud Computing course online.

In this sense, the data floats all over the internet and the user does not have to concern himself with the location in which the data is stored or the type of hardware on which the data is stored. He can simply connect to the ‘floating cloud’ and access all his data from there.

The same can be said for all the other limbs of cloud computing trends such as processing power or networking. In all cases, the resources that the user will access will be present in the cloud computing provider’s infrastructure or ‘cloud’ and the user will simply have to connect to the cloud to access them. This is why this field is called ‘Cloud computing.’ The data floats all over the internet the same way a cloud floats all over the sky.

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