Top 15 Entry-Level Business Administration Jobs with Salaries


A doctorate in business administration (DBA) is an ideal path for business professionals who aspire to higher positions in a variety of professions. Professionals can demonstrate their commitment to expanding their business and financial knowledge to firms by obtaining this degree. You can determine whether you want to pursue this degree by learning about some of the typical jobs you might attain with a Doctor in Business Administration. In this article, we share 15 DBA jobs you might consider after earning your doctorate.

Doctor of Business Administration Jobs:

Getting a post-graduate degree in business administration can help you advance in your career. Take a look at 15 Doctorate in Business Administration Salary and jobs are:


A job in this field may involve studying numerous business topics or publishing articles in scholarly journals. Developing lessons and assignments, overseeing a classroom, and drafting a syllabus are typical responsibilities. Professors who hold a DBA are qualified to teach in master's and bachelor's degree programs as well as, with experience, DBA programmes. The average salary of a professor is $54,497 per year.

Business Consultant:

Business consultants assist companies and organizations in achieving their particular objectives. They are often referred to as management consultants or management analysts. To work on a particular business project, like an expansion or reorganization, a consultant may be hired. Consultants will seek, examine, and offer best practices based on their observations of the organization's data and information. A business consultant typically makes $73,327 a year.

C-Suite Executive:

Chief executive officer, chief administrative officer, and chief operations officer are examples of c-level positions that are open to professionals with a doctorate-level degree in business administration and several years of relevant experience in their industry. These specialists usually oversee a wide range of important business functions, such as project management, budgeting, and staff teams. The typical annual salary of a chief executive is $185,950.


Professionals in the field of business economics examine many facets of a market and offer suggestions to companies looking to boost productivity. To help a company's leadership team comprehend how they perform in comparison to other similar companies in the market, economists frequently organize this data into graphs and reports. They often produce predictions to illustrate the potential effects on a corporation of particular financial choices or shifts in the economy. The average salary of a business economist is $106, 721 per year.

Business Analyst:

A business analyst is a specialist who assists organisations in defining their needs in order to identify areas for possible improvement. Like consultants, they could meet with leadership teams to record existing procedures, such as how an organisation plans, finances, forecasts, reports, or sets prices for its goods. A business analyst typically makes $73,539 a year.

Information System Manager:

Managers of information systems are experts who assist with technology and the procedures involved in its use. They frequently oversee a group of information technology and systems specialists who install, check, maintain, and upgrade equipment for clients or corporate workers. The average income of an information system manager is $87,646 per year.

Government Employee

Federal, state, and local governments require workers who are business-savvy and have the ability to lead other public servants. In some cases, governments can gain from operating more like businesses, and DBA graduates can help them by putting procedures in place.

Human Resource Director:

Directors of human resources are in charge of hiring procedures, employee relations, organizational structure, and dispute resolution inside a business. An HR director creates policies and processes for a company while adhering to legal and ethical standards, and they make sure that every employee is aware of them. The average salary of a Human Resource Director is $89,675 per annum.

Organizational Development Manager:

Creating and overseeing staff development budgets, choosing training opportunities that complement business goals, and assessing training initiatives and their facilitators are all under the purview of organisational development managers. An organisational development manager makes, on average, $115, 460 annually. 

Logistic Analyst:

This involves reviewing an organization's existing inventory, its receiving and distribution procedures, and its order fulfilment procedures. They describe an organization's current procedures and recommend areas for change, just like other analysts do. They may recommend adjustments to expedite data entry, shipping tracking, client payment options, and invoicing. A logistic analyst typically makes $58,839 a year.

Non-Profit Executive:

For such a leader, the capacity to comprehend the demands of the population the organisation serves through relationships and data is important, which is why having a PhD in business administration is highly advantageous. These leaders are able to assemble and motivate teams of employees who can achieve amazing things with little assistance. As of May 2020, the mean remuneration for senior executives working for social advocacy organisations was $164,010.

Project Manager:

These professionals are frequently in charge of establishing project objectives and benchmarks, working with teams to guarantee progress, and evaluating projects at different phases. They assign resources, keep important parties informed, and supervise the budget and schedule. Project management and business operations professionals make an average of $77,420 per year, with the top 10% making $135,220 or more.

Strategic Planner:

The capacity to analyse data, create plans and strategies that address shortcomings, and effectively communicate concepts with key stakeholders are just a few of the many skills that strategic planners must possess. Management experts' May 2020 average median wage of $87,660 and their anticipated 14% job growth rate from 2020 to 2030.

Market Research analyst:

These experts investigate a wide range of topics, including product demand and customer demographics, to offer recommendations for marketing, advertising, and sales initiatives that are supported by research. To support their recommendations, they use data, and research techniques including surveys, focus groups, and charts and graphs, as well as statistical analysis. Market research analysts make an average median pay of $65,810, with 10% of senior analysts making over $127,410.


Creating a thorough business strategy, formulating company strategies, spotting business possibilities, and assessing possible risks could be some of their main responsibilities. An entrepreneur may need to engage freelancers for things like marketing, logo design, and website development because they may begin as a single business owner aiming to build their company. Entrepreneurs may need to handle payroll, wealth management, and employee hiring as their business expands. A typical entrepreneur makes $62,255 a year.

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